
10 reasons why shelter cats are the best!

Tuesday 28 October 2014

So, last Thursday marked 10 years since we brought home our beloved cat Smudge. We got him from a local rescue centre. He had been abandoned as a young cat and was living wild in the woods for 10 months! This made him a bit of a handful when he first joined our family! As you can see, he is now a massive fan of a warm lap! I can't believe the change I've seen in him in the last 10 years. I like to think that the love and care I've given him has made him the happiest cat around! 
So here are my top 10 reasons why, if you're thinking of getting a cat, you should adopt a shelter cat! 

1. Shelter cats are ready to go! The majority of shelters spay, neuter, litter train, de-flea and de-worm their cats before sending them off to their forever home.
2. The staff can help you pick the perfect companion. You get to see a wide variety of different cats and the staff have the knowledge to recommend one that will suit your home and lifestyle. 
3. It's perfect if you want an adult cat. My boy was 2 when we brought him home so he was already past the furniture destroying stage (much to my mum's delight). Older cats have just as much love to give and can be just as playful! 
4. It is a lot less expensive than buying from a breeder! My boy cost me a small donation of £35 to the shelter. He's repaid that to me in cuddles since! 
5. You are helping to support the shelter. The guys and girls in animal shelters do fabulous jobs looking after all the poor animals. I still donate cat food to Smudge's ex-home every christmas. 
6. You get to provide a happy and loving home for a cat who hasn't had a perfect start in life. Trust me, they repay that kindness! 
7. You'll feel better. Research shows that having a pet makes people happier and more upbeat. If that's not a great reason then I don't know what is! 
8. You are setting a positive example for others who might be thinking of getting a pet! 
9. They will love you for it! I'm still convinced Smudge remembers the day I chose him. He always comes to my lap first and runs through meowing at me when I come home. I'm the only one he behaves for too! 
10. And if you needed anymore reasons, you are saving a life! 

I may have come across as a bit of a crazy cat lady in that post (I am a little bit), but animal shelters are something I feel so passionately about. I will definitely be one of those women who adopts thousands of pets and lives on a huge farm so they can all run about haha! 
Hope you found this post helpful if you are looking to adopt a pet! 

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