
My favourite things: January

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Aloha! So the first month of 2015 is over already! I have a feeling this year is going to fly in just as quickly as the last few! I have decided to change my monthly roundup posts slightly, and this is what I've come up with! Hope you enjoy reading these as much as the old format! 
Here are a few of my favourite things from January
*cue sound of music sing a long*

Food: I would love to write chocolate here but I'm supposed to be on a diet! I've been making a pretty awesome chicken pie whilst dieting. It's so good, I think I've had it every week! You can find the recipe here

TV Show: I've just started watching Fortitude on Sky Atlantic. It only started last week but I'm already quite hooked! It is rather graphic so I don't recommend if you have a weak stomach! 

Song: This is rather difficult as there have been a few that I've been playing non stop! I've been loving Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars (who doesn't love this song?!), Blank Space by Taylor Swift and Elastic Heart by Sia. Who's shocked there is no Ed Sheeran this month. I am! 

Beauty Product: Still Lush's Snow Fairy shower gel! I'm almost at the end of my 1st of 2 bottles *cry face*. I just love the smell and it clings to your skin longer than your standard shower gel! 

Candle: It wouldn't be me without having a favourite candle of the month! If you follow me on instagram or twitter you will have seen I've been on a huge candle spree in January! I would have to say my favourite one from this month is my berrylicious Yankee Candle! Fresh blueberries. Yummy! 

Event: I'm not going to lie, January is a dull month. The dark and cold nights mean I just want to be snuggled up in bed by 9pm. However the highlight of this month was my trip to Amsterdam! You can find my blog posts on that here and here.

Let me know what you think of my new format for this post! :) 

1 comment:

  1. Chicken pie sounds amazing. Need to have a look at your recipe!
