
What is my blog about? #BEDM

Thursday 1 May 2014

Hey guys!
So today is the first day of the blog every day in May challenge and the topic is what is your blog about?
I don't really have a simple answer for this.
My blog started out as a place for me to document all my bargain fashion finds. As a student, I don't have much spare money so most of the stuff featured on my blog is from the high street!
As time has gone on, I've started including beauty posts, and more recently, lifestyle posts too!
My favourite post to do is still the good old haul posts but I'm working hard to make my blog more diverse!
If you have any tips on how I can improve my blog, both the way it looks and the content, I'd be happy to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to #BEDM Katie! I think that if you write about what you enjoy or what feels natural to write about, your blog will be ace.
